Chris McCombs

I'm excited to help you and your business reach greater success! Maybe you wonder if my experience fits your unique needs? If so, here's a little about me:
30 years accounting, finance and consulting experience. Including:
CFO Consulting
Full accounting services and business review
Arranged and managed sale of client business to publicly-traded company
Designed accounting and financial systems for maximum efficiency and usability.
Performed profit-enhancement studies finding tens of thousands of dollars in additional profit.
Developed KPI (Key performance indicators) best suited for each business and designed reporting and dashboards for use of management.
KPMG Global Accounting Firm
Audit Senior - tested financials statements and systems for public and private companies
Tax Senior - completed personal and corporate returns, tax research and planning
Transactions Consultant - valued businesses, manages business sales and acquisitions, arranged capital funding through banks and venture firms
Business Owner - HotSpring Spas of Steamboat
Purchased two business and combined into one full-service company
Designed reporting and accounting systems - managed all finances
Grew customer base 412% in 5 years. Expanded product lines and service offerings
Sold for 350% profit
Non-profit and faith-based
Senior leader of non-profit "faith-based" organization. Led financial operations, budget, staff, board and teams. Leadership coach and speaker.
Lift Up of Routt County- (local food bank and assistance provider) served as Treasurer during time of rapid expansion, including debt retirement and new building purchase